Wednesday, October 8, 2008

All I can say is AMEN!

How long is the beast allowed to have authority in Revelations? Revelations Chapter 13 tells us it is 42 months, and you know what that is. Almost a four-year term of a Presidency. All I can say is 'Lord, Have mercy on us!' According to The Book of Revelations the anti-Christ is:
The anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40's, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal...the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything..
Do we recognize this description??
From: Dr. John Tisdale
Dear Friends,
As I was listening to a news program last night, I watched in horror as Barack Obama made the statement with pride. .
'We are no longer a Christian nation; we are now a nation of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, . . .'
As with so many other statements I've heard him (and his wife) make, I never thought I'd see the day that I'd hear something like that from a presidential candidate in this nation. To think our forefathers fought and died for the right for our nation to be a Christian nation--and to have this man say with pride that we are no longer that. How far this nation has come from what our founding fathers intended it to be. I hope that each of you will do what I'm doing now--send your concerns, written simply and sincerely, to the Christians on your email list. With God's help, and He is still in control of this nation and all else, we can show this man and the world in November that we are, indeed, still a Christian nation! Please pray for our nation!


Beth said...

Your comment about Rev. 13 intrigued me. I looked it up. I read Rev. 13 four times. I did see the 42 days thing. I didn't see the Muslim thing or the age (40's). Can you explain, please? As far as the "Christian" nation thing...I think it's accurate. At the time of the beginning of our country, the predominant religion WAS Christianity. And, I believe it still is. But we're not the only large, world religion represented. And, I think the forefathers did not fight and die for us to be a Christian country. As a matter of fact, many of our fouding fathers were actually atheists. Not all, of course. George Washington, for example was very much a believer. The great men that fought and died in the Revolution (a great grandfather of mine and his son did) fought and died for us to have the CHOICE of what religion we want to practice and to enjoy a basic freedom of religion. To some that means a religion of no religion. To some that means Christianity, Judaism, Buddism, Hindu or Islam. Or any other religion.

Beth said...

Oops, I have to say, I did a Google Search and found this:

There were 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence. There were 48 signers of the Articles of Confederation. All 55 delegates who participated in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 are regarded as Founding Fathers, in fact, they are often regarded as the Founding Fathers because it is this group that actually debated, drafted and signed the U.S. Constitution, which is the basis for the country's political and legal system. Only 39 delegates actually signed the document, however, meaning there were 16 non-signing delegates - individuals who were Constitutional Convention delegates but were not signers of the Constitution.

There were 95 Senators and Representatives in the First Federal Congress. If one combines the total number of signatures on the Declaration, the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution with the non-signing Constitutional Convention delegates, and then adds to that sum the number of congressmen in the First Federal Congress, one obtains a total of 238 "slots" or "positions" in these groups which one can classify as "Founding Fathers" of the United States. Because 40 individuals had multiple roles (they signed multiple documents and/or also served in the First Federal Congress), there are 204 unique individuals in this group of "Founding Fathers." These are the people who did one or more of the following:

- signed the Declaration of Independence
- signed the Articles of Confederation
- attended the Constitutional Convention of 1787
- signed the Constitution of the United States of America
- served as Senators in the First Federal Congress (1789-1791)
- served as U.S. Representatives in the First Federal Congress

Religious Affiliation
of U.S. Founding Fathers

Episcopalian/Anglican 88 54.7%
Presbyterian 30 18.6%
Congregationalist 27 16.8%
Quaker 7 4.3%
Dutch Reformed/German Reformed 6 3.7%
Lutheran 5 3.1%
Catholic 3 1.9%
Huguenot 3 1.9%
Unitarian 3 1.9%
Methodist 2 1.2%
Calvinist 1 0.6%

So, I retract my comment about many of them being atheists. Sorry.

Jana said...

Looks to me like all of those religions believe in God and not one Muslim who by the way tried to destroy our country not to long ago and still are. Also, Joe and I were talking and we did not think the anit-christ would be in
America but now that we think about this situation I guess what other country would he be in. Obama is anti American. He will not salute the flag, he will not sing the National Anthem, he took the flag off his plane. I am PRO America, Pro-life, I will not and cannot vote for someone that does not believe in what I do or my church does. I am really not pro-McCain but we have no other choice. I cannot have a clear conscience and vote for someone that has no morals, and is against everything I have been taught by my church and parents. I don't care what party he or she is.

The RealFatman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth said...

Jana, thanks for the comment/reply. I appreciate it. I just need to say this. ALL Muslims aren't trying to destroy our country. The ones that are are in a very small minority compared to the millions of them. Many, many, MANY Muslims are not in favor of what the EXTREMIST Muslims are doing. I think it's kind of like the mainstream LDS church compared to the FLDS. The name is similar and there's a shadow of similar doctrine, but we're SO not on the same page. Also, I looked anti-Christ up in the LDS Bible Dictionary and this is the definition: "Antichrist---
A word used by John to describe one who would assume the guise of Christ, but in reality would be opposed to Christ (1 Jn. 2: 18, 22; 1 Jn. 4: 3-6; 2 Jn. 1: 7). In a broader sense it is anyone or anything that counterfeits the true gospel or plan of salvation and that openly or secretly is set up in opposition to Christ. The great antichrist is Lucifer, but he has many assistants both as spirit beings and as mortals. See 2 Thes. 2: 1-12; Rev. 13: 17; Jacob 7: 1-23; Alma 1: 2-16; Alma 30: 6-60". I'm just not seeing Barack Obama as meeting this definition. Now, I'm not saying I think he's "all that" and that he doesn't have flaws. Both candidates do. I don't know either candidate personally and cannot make that judgement, that he's anti-Christ. That seems awfully heavy handed. Can you document the comment that he "will not salute the flag, he will not sing the national anthem", please? I would be really interested in the documentation of that. I know people who won't sing the national anthem, but it's because they don't like to sing any song and some just can't hit the notes. But, that doesn't in and of itself make them unAmerican.

I'm not trying to get you to change your mind about Obama. I'm just really, sincerely trying to understand why you say the things you do. So, when you say things like he's "evil" and "satanic" and is "the anti-Christ" and has "no morals", I have to ask why you say that. I really don't get the "no morals" thing. Where does that come from? I read his "conversion story",for lack of a better term. It doesn't sound too anti-Christian to me. I'm just sayin'. :)

Jana said...

I do not believe you have much in the line of morals when you are pro-abortion. For one thing that means you don't have a problem with premarital sex. So therefore you are lacking in the moral department. Isn't murder one of the ten commandments? Abortion is murder. Is it moral to condone same sex marriage? It seems to me that he is against everything that our true church is against. I haven't seen one thing that he agrees with our teaching. Tell me something he has done that is Christlike?! He is also very prejudice. He is also flip flop. He was not raised here. Did not grow up with American thinking. etc...What conversion story? He denounced his church after he went there for 20 years and decided to run for president. I didn't say I like McCain to much better. This government will not recover unless we get a businessmen in it. We screwed up when we didn't get Mitt Romney, a very moral, smart man, in there. He was also a business man and has proven his worth in turning around an economy. What has O done? A muslim is not christian. I have never felt these feelings about a candidate yet.

Jana said...

My post was not written by me. It just had some points in it that gave me something to think about so I thought I would would put it on my blog so others could think and ponder it. I do not recall stating he was the anti-christ, I stated that I didn't think that the Anti-christ would come to

Obama Disrespects The Flag

Time Magazine published this picture of Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin during the national anthem at Tom Harkin's Iowa Steak Fry.

Three of the four people in the picture want to be President of the United States. One of the three is disrespecting the Flag of the United States during the playing of the National Anthem.

United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10 - Patriotic Customs, provides:

During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart.

If you wanted to be president, wouldn't you give proper respect to the Old Glory during the National Anthem? Barack Hussein Obama would rather dispaly another testament to his patriotism.

Jana said...

I am done talking about Obama. I will not change my mind and others will not change theirs. That was not the reason for my posts. I was just writing my feelings so I could let them go.

Beth said...

That's good. It was nice to have an exchange! I wasn't trying to "convert" you to Obama, just trying to understand where you were coming from on the matter. Thanks for sharing with me. And, for what it is worth, I was leaning toward voting for Romney. :)

Jana said...

All is cool, I think we are in trouble no matter what. Just less trouble with McCain.