Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Teenagers. What do we do with them? My dh called me this morning. He said " Let's just start building a coffing." I am like what? Bobby's hg1ac, or whatever it is called, (blood sugar test for the last 3 months) is at 14, normal is 6-7. He is slowly killing himself. I can't get it through his head. I want to knock him out. I tell him everything that will happen to him. He has been approved for a pump. All he has to do is test and adjust the amount of insulin on the pump. I pulled him out of school and put him in independent study. He does the work at home and then tests at Liberty High school once a week. It is a program Clark County does for students. You have to have your counselor recommend you for it. I can keep a closer eye on what he eats and how he takes care of himself. Do you think he will like that? It is funny that when you have them do something they don't want to or don't agree with, it is DUMB. They make me laugh. Gee, I have heard it all before. I am old I have been through 5 teenagers already. This is not new to me. Hello.


Sarah said...

I am going to kick that kid in the BUTT!!!!! he needs to be confined at home and watched every single second and we will bring him his meals and we will do his shots and we will test his sugar. He is too great of a kid to be doing this to himself!!!!!!
BTW you didn't mention to everyone that he is a Type I Diabetic.

Andrea said...

A girl that is in my YW group and who also happens to be my neighbor was diagnosed with type I diabetes a few years ago. About 2 or 3 weeks ago she was found by her grandma in a diabetic coma, her insulin pump had malfunctioned. Luckily, they were able to bring her out of it and she's fine now, but it's still scary! Sarah told me about Bobby and how he is pretty stubborn about the whole thing. Hopefully he will wise up and start taking care of himself. It's literally life or death!