Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Death by Harley

Well, we went to Williams, Arizona this weekend, with our neighbors, on the Harley. We left late Friday. Got there at 2am on Saturday. It was a long ride, it was kinda cold too. I needed my leathers but since I lost weight they just drown me. Well we got up on Saturday around 9 am. It really was a fun ride but would have been nicer during the day. We ate breakfast, Joe and I shared all you can eat pancakes, and an omelet. Well, when it came I didn't know the omelet would be made out of a dozen eggs with a whole block of cheese, peppers, ham etc... I didn't know that the pancake was as big as the plate. Needless to say we didn't have more. It also cost $50.00 for 4 people. 2 omelets, and 2 pancakes. Ridiculous! We rode to the Grand Canyon. We had never been there. It is beautiful. Then we rode home. It was dark the last stretch. We were rideing along just fine. I was in my seat in the back texting my kids to see what they were doing and make sure they were all home and tucked in their little beds and out of the corner of my eye a see something dart at us from the side of the road. We went thump thump. We stopped and checked out the bike and our pants. lol. The bike seemed to be okay except for the smoke coming from somewhere by the back tire and my seat. Joe figured it must have made a hole in a shock and the oil was dripping. So we got back on and went back to see what it was. Joe figured a bobcat or a coyote. We found it. DOA It is pretty big. We are very lucky that it didn't do more damage to the bike or us. It also could have caused damage to our friends who were riding to our left and back a little if it would have flipped to them. The Lord knew that we are the only ones that can raise the rest of the children so he preserved us to do just that. lol No I think that was a serious truthful statement. We got back on and went a couple of miles and almost got hit by a low flying owl. That might have stung a little. I am glad we missed that one. We really did have a good time though.